The kids and I ventured to Magic Kingdom on Monday and enjoyed a nice morning at the park! Here’s a photo dump of our day as well as some observations and tips!

We arrived at the park at 8:20am. Official park opening was 8:00am but we hit some traffic on the way. Always arrive before park opening time if you can!
There was definitely a steady flow of people entering the park but still space to spread out if you wanted. I would say 90% of people do not wear a mask outdoors anymore now that the outdoor mask requirement has been lifted at Walt Disney World.

You do still need to wear a mask indoors and on rides so keep that in mind. As you approach queue entrances, there will be signage asking you to put your mask back on.
The kids both used mask chains / lanyards and those really are a great help right now if you’re putting your mask off and on throughout the day.

We walked through the castle and headed for Fantasyland. I always recommend walking through the castle early in the day so you can take your time enjoying it without crowds.
The kids requested we ride the Carrousel first! The wait time was only 5 minutes. They’re now loading every row (previously they only did every other) which definitely helps the line move more quickly.

The social distancing markers outside of the queue have been removed.

I noticed that some rides still had them while others did not. I think we will see them all disappear in the very near future.
After the Carrousel, we headed over to Tomorrowland to ride the PeopleMover!
On our way we passed a few attractions and I snapped quick photos to show you what the queues looked like in that first hour of park opening.

Winnie the Pooh was posted 5 minutes but did have a bit of a queue. The play area in the queue was still unavailable.

Mine Train of course had a nice queue already forming. The wait time was posted as 60 minutes. You can see the social distancing markers are removed and most guests don’t have their masks on yet.

The teacups were just 5 minutes and the line was nice and short.

The Speedway was also posted as 5 minutes but this was definitely more of a 10-15 minute line. When the Speedway first opens in the morning they only use one lane of cars. They eventually shift to 2 lanes and then the line moves much faster.

Besides the Space Mountain queue, Tomorrowland is usually nice and open in the morning!
The PeopleMover was a walk-on. The kids were so excited! They hadn’t ridden it yet since it reopened. I absolutely love this ride. You by no means need to rope drop the PeopleMover but don’t skip it either!
It’s actually really nice to ride the PeopleMover during fireworks so keep that in mind once they’re back!
Lots of progress on Tron!

And here’s a look at that Space Mountain queue.

After the PeopleMover we hopped over to Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. Wait time was posted 5 minutes and was accurate.

This attraction still had the social distancing markers both inside and out however they really were not being used.

Here’s a look at the shortest and longest wait times one hour after the park opened:
In my opinion, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is going to sit at 60 minutes or so throughout the day so if you can knock out a lot of the 5 minute walk-on rides first thing in the morning, you’ll make up for the eventual longer waits there as the park is open for a few hours. Unless you can rope drop Mine Train and be one of the first in that queue, I’d save it for later (or even when the park is closing).
Here’s a great example, we passed by the Carrousel again at 9:45am and the wait was posted at 25 minutes with a very long and crowded queue.

We had a DAS pass for Mine Train and it was time to return back to that attraction. Both my kids really love this one!
Then the kids wanted to make our way over to Adventureland to explore the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse!
As we were walking that way, I snapped a few photos of quiet spots that we like to enjoy. You usually don’t find too many people hanging in these areas so they’re a great break spot.
The first is behind the castle. There’s a covered area with benches and plenty of space for kids to stretch their legs.
This walkway from Fantasyland to Liberty Square is a really great castle photo spot. I love how the 50th anniversary decorations on the castle look with the updated paint colors!

Another quiet spot is this little walkway from Sleepy Hollow over to Adventureland.

There’s a little bridge, space to stretch legs and tables and chairs too.

The Swiss Family Robinson Tree House is always a must on my kid’s list. They really enjoy exploring and play areas, more so than rides even!
We grabbed a DAS return time for Jungle Cruise and then had lunch at Pecos Bill. Don’t forget to mobile order!
If you choose an outside table at Pecos you’ll see all of the cavalcades come by!
After Pecos we enjoyed the Country Bear Jamboree.
I feel like theaters are the biggest change right now. Just a month ago they had extremely limited capacity both inside the theatre and while you waited. Rows were closed off and seats spaced. Now it’s basically a free-for-all. No social distancing while you wait for the show to start and all rows and seats open in the theatre.
Something to note if you’re not comfortable sitting with a lot of people in an indoor area right now.
It was time for us to ride Jungle Cruise and that was our last stop for the day.
Lots of updates are in progress on the Jungle Cruise. They’re working on it as the ride remains open so you currently have a mix of old scenes, new scenes, and scenes still under construction.
Crowds were definitely picking up as we were leaving the park around noon. The day was mostly very overcast but it was still very hot and humid. If you were staying on property, the heat of the afternoon is a great time to take a break back at your resort to cool off or swim!

We stopped in the Emporium and saw they also have treats available for purchase while the Confectionery remains closed across the street. You can also find a mini- confectionery setup in the Main St Cinema next door.
Last few views of Main Street!
And we caught Pooh and friends at the train station on the way out. I love how characters pop up here throughout the day.

Hope you enjoyed a peek at our quick visit! 🙂
Follow along on all of our Walt Disney World fun on Instagram @brbgoingtodisney! I share tips and tricks LIVE from the parks each week on Stories! See you there!
Don’t forget to pin this post for later!

I love your Idea of park days recap in blog post form!! This was so informative! Thanks for sharing❤️
Looks like an awesome day 😎
Thank you for all the great information!!
I really enjoyed reading this blog post while I enjoyed my morning cup of coffee. It was much easier to grasp how much you accomplished in one morning at the parks. Thanks for sharing all these great tips!