My kids absolutely love choosing a souvenir at the parks when we visit for a special occasion. They would spend an hour inside of the Emporium in Magic Kingdom looking at ALL THE THINGS if I let them!
I’ve come to learn though, that my kids typically gravitate towards the same kind of souvenirs when we visit. I’ve also realized that I can buy those EXACT items for much cheaper outside of the parks; especially if you shop ahead and keep an eye out for sales!

If you’d like to save some cash on your next Walt Disney World vacation, consider buying some souvenirs before the trip and sneakily packing them in your suitcase! Surprise your little one with their gift as you enter the park, and spend that money you saved on Dole Whips for everyone!
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Money Saving Souvenirs to Bring to Disney
Bubble Wands
These are the same bubble wands you’ll find at the parks (where they’ll cost you a whopping $30!). They’re $23 online but if you keep an eye on sales, you’ll be able to find the bubble wands for as low as $14!
Costume or Princess Dress
My daughter loves wearing her princess dresses to the parks! You can find the same dresses they sell at the parks for a fraction of the cost online if you shop during a sale!
TIP: If you plan to do a princess makeover at Bibbidi Bibbidi Boutique, bring your own princess dress and just pay for the hair and makeup! The experience is just as wonderful and the cost will be much less!
Autograph Book
When available, my kids love collecting autographs from the characters they meet in the parks! You can grab an autograph book before your trip for about half the price!
Wishables or Plushies
Did you know you can buy the same Wishables online that they offer at the parks? The only difference is that the online price is $9.99 and the price in the parks is now $12.99!
My kids absolutely LOVE Wishables!
You can also find your favorite plush characters (at a more affordable price) online before your trip!
While I do think there are plenty of treats worth paying for at the parks, like a Dole Whip, Mickey Rice Krispie treat, or a super fun cupcake, there are others that are very tempting to kiddos and very overpriced.
If you know your kids would love a lollipop bigger than their face, jelly beans, gummy worms, etc consider buying that outside of the park and bringing it with you! Check places like the Target dollar spot, Five Below, or the Dollar Tree for individual options.
Looking for a unique souvenir idea in the parks? Check out this post!
What other items do you like to buy before your trip and bring with you to save money? Let me know in the comments!
Follow along on all of our Walt Disney World fun on Instagram @brbgoingtodisney! I share tips and tricks LIVE from the parks each week on Stories! See you there!
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