My daughter and I recently stayed at the Contemporary for a little girl’s trip! If your preschooler is anything like mine, they love to wake up before the sun… and wake you up too!

Since we were up and awake we figured we would head over to the Magic Kingdom bright and early! We’re always Rope Drop-ers but this was a new level of arriving early! Let’s take a look at the Magic Kingdom park opening schedule that we experienced.
6:45 am – Left our room and started walking to the Magic Kingdom from the Contemporary

7:00 am – Security opened and checked our bags before allowing us to proceed to the Magic Kingdom entrance
7:10 am – We arrived at the entrance and were directed to a specific set of turnstiles because we had pre-park opening dining reservations at Be Our Guest. If you did not have a dining reservation or a tour reservation, you would be directed to another set of turnstiles

7:20 am – We were allowed to scan our Magic Bands and proceed to the entrances under the train station where we were held. Initially there weren’t many people waiting.

Over the next 20 mins, the line started to grow.

7:45 am – We were able to enter the park.

Things to note and keep in mind:
We were one of the first families at the turnstiles and at the front while waiting at the train station but as soon as entrance to the park was allowed, so many people began pushing to run to the castle. Within seconds an empty Main Street was filling with people. Were crowds still minimal? YES but, in my opinion there is no point in queuing at the entrance prior to 7:45 am.
I recommend arriving at the Magic Kingdom entrance around 7:50 am so you can miss the crazies/pushing as well as the waiting in line.
My daughter and I casually strolled until about 8:00 am while taking photos and we still were able to get a lot of nice shots without crowds behind us (even at the castle).
Even though many guest rushed into the park, it still felt very quiet and the low crowd levels were perfect for photos and strolling the happiest place on Earth!

Don’t forget you can follow us LIVE at the parks on Instagram stories @brbgoingtodisney 🙂

First, I have to say your Instagram and blog are by far my absolute favorite I follow! I love Disney and live vicariously through you while patiently waiting for our next vaca. Thanks for all you do!
With that said, my family and I are going to Disney next June. There will be 10 of us so I wanted to, as we all do, make vacation run as smooth as possible and have heard rope drop is a great idea. I have a rough plan to do rope drop at magic kingdom, but worried even if we head from our resort AoA early the bag check and travel to the park will take a long time. Do you have any advice on how early we should leave AoA to head toward magic kingdom? Will it take 20-30 min or longer from parking our cars to front gates? Are the crowds huge at this time and packed down mainstreet?
Thanks so much for the help! I tried to search for the info on your other blog post for the info I may have missed it though.