Best Nap Spots at the Magic Kingdom (Updated 2022)

With all the walking and excitement your little ones will experience at the Magic Kingdom, a nap is an absolute must to avoid an overtired meltdown. If you can’t make it back to your resort for an afternoon nap (which I highly recommend), a quick nap at the parks is better than no nap at all! There are plenty of napping options at the Magic Kingdom. Let’s take a look at some of my favorite, tried and true locations where your toddler or infant can relax and recharge! Best Nap Spots at the Magic Kingdom Side Street off Main Street …

How to Use Rider Switch at Walt Disney World

Rider Switch is such a great tool for parents with kids of varying ages (or even kiddos who aren’t as thrill-seeking at their siblings or parents). Let’s take a look at what Rider Switch is and how you can use it on your next Walt Disney World vacation. What is Rider Switch at Walt Disney World? If there are guests in your party who don’t meet the height requirement to ride (or just are choosing not to), you can use Rider Switch to ensure that all of the adults in your party get a chance to ride! When you use …

Tips for Sharing a Disney Resort Hotel Room with Kids

Hi friend, I know why you’re here. You’re here because you’re panicking about your upcoming vacation to the Happiest Place on Earth. Why are you panicking? Because you’re afraid that you’ll be the Grumpiest Human on Earth since you have to share a hotel room with your *DUN DUN DUN* small children. FIRST, TAKE A DEEP BREATH. YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Should you be panicking? Yep. We’ve all been there. Panicking about sharing a hotel room with your kids is a parent’s rite-of-passage. But have no fear! I’m dishing tons of tips and tricks from expert-traveling parents that will …