2020 Gift Guide | Little Girl

Hi Sweet Friend! Here’s the third gift guide for 2020, things our daughter loves or would enjoy — she’s 5. I hope these ideas are helpful for you! 🙂

You can click here to see all of the Gift Guide posts!

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5 Year Old Girl Gift Guide

Inside Toys

Our daughter loves plushies, building blocks, little character playsets, her 18″ dolls, and playing with her dollhouse!

I have loads more toy ideas linked on my Amazon page right here.

Outside Toys

Our daughter has outgrown her old bike and is ready for a bigger size! She loves riding her scooter too.

Arts & Crafts

Our daughter LOVES arts & crafts! Here’s a few ideas of things she would love.


Our daughter loves playing dress-up! She especially likes to wear wigs HAHA!


I have loads more books we love linked on my Amazon page right here.

Beauty / Accessories

Chapsticks, hair clips, and headbands are a favorite here!

Clothing / Jammies / Shoes

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