Casual Friday | No. 3

I can’t believe it’s already Friday again! I’m not really sure where the week has gone?! I swear it flew by! Disney This Week This week we had an overnight stay at Boulder Ridge Villas at the Wilderness Lodge. It was a short and quick visit but the kids had so much fun! We also spent a couple evening hours at Hollywood Studios and then Magic Kingdom the following morning. Crowds have definitely increased at the parks. You can noticeably tell a difference even from January to this month and I anticipate that crowds are only going to remain steady …

Casual Friday | No. 2

Hi friend! Another week in 2021 has flown by. I feel like I was just writing last week’s Friday post. I know so many people say this but lately I have been feeling it like *crazy*: the days are long but the weeks are short. This week was busy for me. Business-wise I’m trying to manage a lot of things at once which is something I actually really enjoy! I like being busy. But I often forget that slowing down and just relaxing is a totally acceptable option too. So in case anyone hasn’t told you lately, it’s okay to …

Casual Friday | No. 1

Hi sweet friend! I thought it would be fun to kind of just share some random things that I’ve wanted to talk about or that happened in our daily life of WHATEVER each Friday! Informal, no pressure to stick to a certain topic! Basically a space where we can chat. I’m envisioning it like a hub grass coffee meet-up with a friend. So grab a cup and let’s chat about the week! A Peek at Our Week This week for us was mostly a go-with-the-flow kind of week. We were happy to have Deb home at normal hours after he …